Monday, May 10, 2010

23 die in Tennessee flood...

After severe storms, 23 people have died in floods. The fedreal government has declared 42 counties disaster areas and the damages costing appromixamately 1.5 billion.

Yikes, I hope we don't have a flood here.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Death Flights' Suspect Renturns to Home

An Argentine pilot, Julio Alberto Poch, was charged with being on a the helm of the air craft from which 950 drugged and blindfolded prisoners were thrown out alive during the 1976-83 right-wing dictator ship, and was arrested Spetember 23. Many years later, he returns to his home country today.

I can't believe something like chucking people off a plane was going on over there in the 1970s. Why didn't I know about this? It seems so cruel and unusual.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Arizona's Reputation VS Boycotts

In Arizona today, individuals are boycotting because of the controversial immigration laws. The big people say that this could have a bad economic concequence on the state. And the boycott might be starting to spread.

I wish some of those big guys would ask the people what they think first.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Three Die From Violence in Greek Strike...

On May 5th, protesters of the austerity measures in Grece surronded the parliment building. However, things got a little to rough as a fire bomb hit the bank in Athens, leaving 3 people dead and four others missing. Soon after riot police came and tried to settle the situation.

I understand that they were angry, I would be angry to if my taxes were higher and there were wage freezes, but couldn't they have disscused it in a non violent matter? Why do we always have to resort to throwing dangerous objects?


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Boosting Minimum Wage...

So some workers are a little upset because they think that minimum wage is to low. They proposed that it should be raised to $7.25 an hour. That way, workers who recive this payment would rise above the poverty line. Some however think that this would hurt the economy and creating wealth, because it would increase prices and job loss. And they think the better solution is to expand the EITC; rewarding work without interfering with the market.

I don't think we should raise minimum wage after reading that article. Job loss is bad enough already, and the last thing we need higher prices on stuff like gas and food. According to George F. Will says that the main problem is that prices are to elastic and keep chainging way to much. But all in all, he says that raising minimum wage seems a little bit counterproductive.

Other Issues

Friday, April 23, 2010

Could 3-D Media Lead To Sickness?

As you guys are aware, 3-D media's popularity is growing thanks to many block buster films, but can wearing those 3-D glasses cause problems for the brain? Some doctors say that to much of these might cause disorientations or, worst case scenario, seizures. Of course they say that that the percentage of people that should worry is small, and the usual side effects would be something like dizzyness.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sorcerer on Death Row?

A Lebanese man in Saudi Arabia is charged with sorcery and is sentenced to be beheaded. The man known as Sibet was a former TV show host, who could predict the future to give out advice to his audiance, accourding to his lawyer. Then when in Arabia he performed an Islamic religious pilrgimage known as Umra.


US captures pirate mothership...

Today the USS Nicholas had managed to capture a pirate mothership after pirates opened fire and the warship chased after them.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care Reform...

So as you probably heard, the health care bill has been past. Will there be problems in the near future? According to Squash, there could be. For the first 10 years, the cost for this bill would be about $100 billion a year, about as much as we are paying for the war in Iraq. There might aslo be a tax increase for those with high income, about 1% increase. And they say if you don't buy health insurance, you'll have a 2% tax increase, though they say this would be subsidized, they say it won't do much. Of course there are benifits; anybody can get health insurance, it might reduce medical costs in the long run, possibility of reducing medical bankruptcy, and increase competition in the insurance market. Though there are some pros to this reform, I'm still a litle worried.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ravens; Pro Golf Ball Thieves?

Somewhere in London, England, several golfers have reported of raven stalking them and then swooping down to steal their golf balls. Ravens have the habbit of stealing shiney things, and now have turned their attention to the small dented spheres. This has been happening on a weekly basis. XD LINK

3 Tornadoes Rip Through Arkansas

On the night of Wensday, three tornadoes touched down in cetral Arkansas and reeked havoc. 1 person is reported dead while 3 are injured, and also 22 homes destroyed. LINK

Strong After Shocks In Chile...

In Chile, which had been hit with an 8.3 earthquake not to long ago, some after shocks reek a little more havoc on the counrty.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

War Dollars

So the president has the power to decide how we spend our money and what to spend it on. Lately most of our money have been going into war efforts, with their "power to the purse" , over the years from the Vietnam War to today's war in Iraq or Afghanistan. The public are disatisfied with this war, our presence isn't helping much, thousands of tax dollars wasted. The president, who also can be commander in chief decides how we conduct our battles. The legislative branch says that the administration is more equipped than Congress to determine and execute military policies to insure victory. Congressional micromanegment might put more people in harm's way. This to stop terrorism.

I really wish we would just stop this war and get back to normal. We're spending way to much money, and we're losing people as we speak. Why can't there just be a peace treaty?
Spending What We Can Afford
Social Insecurity

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Unlocking A Medical Mystery...

A new study leads scientists closer to the answer of why we stutter in our speech. Apparently it has something to do with genetic mutation.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blizzard Conditions Predicted For Washington...

So according to CNN, Washington might have itself a blizzard coming up soon. The state posted a winter strom wanring there and in PA, Maryland, and Philidelphia. They say it'll come this Friday, and they might recieve 12-16 in of snow. There might also be flood warnings in the SouthEast due to heavy rain fall.

Click here for more details.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Welcome go nuts.