Thursday, February 18, 2010

War Dollars

So the president has the power to decide how we spend our money and what to spend it on. Lately most of our money have been going into war efforts, with their "power to the purse" , over the years from the Vietnam War to today's war in Iraq or Afghanistan. The public are disatisfied with this war, our presence isn't helping much, thousands of tax dollars wasted. The president, who also can be commander in chief decides how we conduct our battles. The legislative branch says that the administration is more equipped than Congress to determine and execute military policies to insure victory. Congressional micromanegment might put more people in harm's way. This to stop terrorism.

I really wish we would just stop this war and get back to normal. We're spending way to much money, and we're losing people as we speak. Why can't there just be a peace treaty?
Spending What We Can Afford
Social Insecurity

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Unlocking A Medical Mystery...

A new study leads scientists closer to the answer of why we stutter in our speech. Apparently it has something to do with genetic mutation.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blizzard Conditions Predicted For Washington...

So according to CNN, Washington might have itself a blizzard coming up soon. The state posted a winter strom wanring there and in PA, Maryland, and Philidelphia. They say it'll come this Friday, and they might recieve 12-16 in of snow. There might also be flood warnings in the SouthEast due to heavy rain fall.

Click here for more details.