Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care Reform...

So as you probably heard, the health care bill has been past. Will there be problems in the near future? According to Squash, there could be. For the first 10 years, the cost for this bill would be about $100 billion a year, about as much as we are paying for the war in Iraq. There might aslo be a tax increase for those with high income, about 1% increase. And they say if you don't buy health insurance, you'll have a 2% tax increase, though they say this would be subsidized, they say it won't do much. Of course there are benifits; anybody can get health insurance, it might reduce medical costs in the long run, possibility of reducing medical bankruptcy, and increase competition in the insurance market. Though there are some pros to this reform, I'm still a litle worried.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ravens; Pro Golf Ball Thieves?

Somewhere in London, England, several golfers have reported of raven stalking them and then swooping down to steal their golf balls. Ravens have the habbit of stealing shiney things, and now have turned their attention to the small dented spheres. This has been happening on a weekly basis. XD LINK

3 Tornadoes Rip Through Arkansas

On the night of Wensday, three tornadoes touched down in cetral Arkansas and reeked havoc. 1 person is reported dead while 3 are injured, and also 22 homes destroyed. LINK

Strong After Shocks In Chile...

In Chile, which had been hit with an 8.3 earthquake not to long ago, some after shocks reek a little more havoc on the counrty.